AMD Launches ATI FirePro V8750 3D Workstation Accelerator
Posted On at by adminTo meet the extreme productivity needs of today’s CAD, Digital Content Creation (DCC) and oil and gas professionals, AMD announced this morning that the ATI FirePro V8750 3D workstation graphics accelerator is joining the AMD line of ultra high-end professional graphics hardware. The ATI FirePro V8750 3D workstation graphics accelerator has 800 shader engines (800) with 2 GB of memory that is good for 115.2 GB/s of memory bandwidth. The new ATI FirePro V87503D workstation graphics accelerator is available now at the MSRP of $1,799
With ATI FirePro V8750 3D workstation graphics accelerator, applications that take advantage of the shader units and memory bandwidth perform significantly better than with competing solutions. For example, UG NX4 software from Siemens PLM performs up to 56 percent faster and Autodesk 3ds Max OGL runs 118 percent faster on ATI FirePro V8750 than the comparable competing solution. Concurrent with this product launch, AMD is also announcing the availability of ATI CrossFire™ Pro technology which enables users to combine the power of two discrete graphics cards to scale their application performance for maximum productivity. This capability which simply involves coupling the two graphics cards using an interconnect cable, is designed to provide a significant performance boost to CAD and DCC applications such as UG NX, Ensight, Maya and Teamcenter. In addition to ATI FirePro V8750, ATI CrossFire Pro is planned for availability on the mid-range and above graphics cards including ATI FirePro™ V5700, ATI FirePro V7750, and ATI FirePro V87003D workstation graphics accelerators. Initial support is provided for Windows XP (32-bit and 64-bit) with support for other operating systems scheduled to follow in the second half of 2009.