Lian Li launches the all new MAXIMA Force PSU’s from 470W to 750W

Lian Li has just launched the new MAXIMA Force series of Power supply units (PSU). The MAXIMA Force offers exceptional power regulation and safety features with 80 Plus certification, which is a key feature in this new green age. The nw MAXIMA Force power supplies come in 470Watts, 650Watts and 750Watts models and were designed with the enthusiast gamer in mind. When it comes to pricing the Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price is $104 on the 470W, $144 on the 650W and $177 for the 740W power supply.

MAXIMA Force complies with the newest Intel standard ATX 12V V2.3 & EPS 12V rail systems, while the environmentally friendly design for energy saving with Active PFC (>0.9) / High efficiency (>80%) complies with the best standards and allows additional full rated power draw during overclocking sessions. The PCI-E connector has bead-core protection to minimized electromagnetic interference (EMI) for a cleaner output. Unlike some PSU’s out in the market, the MAXIMA Force can support its FULL rated power output.

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